Search Results - cindy+liu

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Methods of Quantifying Antiviral Drug Resistant Mutations in Influenza A
Researchers at TGen and Northern Arizona University (NAU) have developed a real-time allele specific mixture analysis (ASMA) qPCR assay for quantitatively analyzing the amount of antiviral drug resistant Influenza A mutants in a mixed viral sample. This highly sensitive method provides a cost effective tool for clinical or public health laboratories...
Published: 6/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Paul Keim, Elizabeth Driebe, David Engelthaler, Cindy Liu
Category(s): Diagnostics
Rapid pan-fungal detection and quantification
Researchers at TGen and Northern Arizona University have developed technology to rapidly detect and quantify the total fungal load from human, animal, and environmental samples without requiring priori knowledge of the fungi present in a sample. This technology enables quicker and more accurate diagnosis of fungal infections in clinical medicine and...
Published: 12/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Cindy Liu, Sergey Kachur, Lance Price, Paul Keim
Category(s): Environment, Diagnostics